Szűrők: Az Utónév Első Betűje = M [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"On Open Source Tools for Behavioral Modeling and Analysis with fUML and Alf",
1st Workshop on Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering, Valencia, 2014.
"On the Opportunities of Scalable Modeling Technologies: An Experience Report on Wind Turbines Control Applications Development",
European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Marburg, Germany, Springer, 07/2017.
"Ontology-based assessment of software models and development processes for safety-critical systems",
Monographs of System Dependability Vol. 2, Wroclaw, pp. 1 - 12, 2010.
"An Open Visualization Framework for Metamodel-Based Modeling Languages",
Proc. GraBaTs 2002, International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, vol. 72 (2), no. 2, Barcelona, Spain, Elsevier, pp. 78–87, October 7–8, 2002.
"Optimal Period Length for the CGS Sensor Network Scheduling Algorithm",
International conference on Networking and Services: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 192-199, 2010.
"Optimization of Incremental Queries in the Cloud",
CloudMDE, 2015.
"Parallel GraphBLAS with OpenMP",
SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC) co-located with the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP), Seattle, WA, SIAM, 2020.
"PLC Code Generation Based on a Formal Specification Language",
14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Poitiers, France, IEEE, pp. 389-396, 07/2016.
"A Preliminary Analysis on the Effect of Randomness in a CEGAR Framework",
Proceedings of the 25th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 32–35, 2018.
"Quantitative Analysis of Dependability Critical Systems Based on UML Statechart Models",
Proc. Fifth IEEE Int. Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, (HASE 2000), Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 83 - 92, 2000.
"Reachability Analysis of Petri-nets by FPGA Based Accelerators",
Proc. Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop (DDECS'98), pp. 307 - 312, 1998.
"Reachability and Timing Analysis in Data Flow Networks: A Case Study",
Proceedings of the 22nd EUROMICRO Conference: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 193 - 200, 1996.
"Requirements towards a formal specification language for PLCs",
Proceedings of the 22nd PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 18-21, 02/2015.
"A Resilient SIL 2 Driver Machine Interface for Train Control Systems",
Proc. 3rd International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems (DepCoS - RELCOMEX), pp. 365 - 374, 2008.
"Robustness Testing of Standard Specifications-based HA Middleware",
Proceedings of the 2010 International Conferenceon Distributed Computing Systems Workshops: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 302 - 306, 2010.
"Robustness Testing Techniques For High Availability Middleware Solutions",
Proc. of International Workshop on Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems (EFTS2006): University of Luxembourg, pp. 55 - 66, 2006.
"Run-time Verification of Statechart Implementations",
Proceedings of the 12th PhD Mini-Symposium of the Department of Measurement and Information Systems: BME, pp. 46 - 47, 2005.
"Saturation Enhanced with Conditional Locality: Application to Petri Nets",
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 40th International Conference, {PETRI} {NETS} 2019, Aachen, Germany, June 23-28, 2019, Proceedings, pp. 342–361, 06/2019.
"Saying Hello World with VIATRA2 - A Solution to the TTC 2011 Instructive Case",
TTC 2011: Fifth Transformation Tool Contest, Zürich, Switzerland, June 29-30 2011, Post-Proceedings, vol. 74, Zürich, Switzerland, Open Publishing Association, pp. 302-324, 11/2011.
"Scenario-based Automated Evaluation of Test Traces of Autonomous Systems",
Proceedings of ERCIM/EWICS Workshop on Dependable Embedded and Cyber-physical Systems (DECS) at SAFECOMP'13, Toulouse, France, pp. 181-192, 09/2013.
"SecureChange: Security Engineering for Lifelong Evolvable Systems",
European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition (FET09), Prague, pp. 1 - 3, 2009.
"SensoriaPatterns: Augmenting Service Engineering with Formal Analysis, Transformation and Dynamicity",
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Third International Symposium, ISoLA 2008, Porto Sani, Greece, October 13-15, 2008. Proceedings, vol. 17: Springer, pp. 170-190, 2008.
"SEViz: A Tool for Visualizing Symbolic Execution",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Graz, Austria, IEEE, 04/2015.
"Sharded Joins for Scalable Incremental Graph Queries",
Proceedings of the 23rd PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 2016.
"Software Monitoring and Debugging Using Compressed Signature Sequences",
Proceedings of the 22nd EUROMICRO Conference: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 311 - 318, 1996.