Contains the keyword model transformation
Ecore to Genmodel case study solution using the Viatra2 framework. In: Gorp P V, Mazanek S, Rensink A, editors. Transformation Tool Contest (TTC '10). Malaga, Spain; 2010. Abstract
Automating Model Transformation by Example Using Inductive Logic Programming. In: Cho Y, Wainwright RL, Haddad H, Shin SY, Koo Y W, editors. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), Seoul, Korea, March 11-15, 2007. ACM Press; 2007. p. 978-84. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 32%
The Model Transformation Language of the {VIATRA2} Framework. Science of Computer Programming. 2007;68:214-34. Abstract
Termination Analysis of Model Transformations by {Petri} Nets. In: Corradini A, Ehrig H, Montanari U, Ribeiro L, Rozenberg G, editors. Proc. Third International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2006). Vol 4178. Natal, Brazil: Springer; 2006. p. 260-74. (LNCS; vol 4178). Abstract
Acceptance rate: 45%
Compiling Model Transformations to {EJB3}-Specific Transformer Plugins. In: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing –- Model Transformation Track (SAC 2006). Dijon, France: ACM Press; 2006. p. 1288-95. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 32%
Applying a Model Transformation Taxonomy to Graph Transformation Technology. In: Karsai G, Taentzer G, editors. GraMot 2005, International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformations. Vol 152. Elsevier; 2006. p. 143-59. (ENTCS; vol 152). Abstract
Model Transformation by Example. In: Proc. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2006). Vol 4199. Genova, Italy: Springer; 2006. p. 410-24. (LNCS; vol 4199). Abstract
Acceptance rate: 29%
Tool Integration by Model Transformations based on the {Eclipse Modeling Framework}. EASST Newsletter. 2006;12. Abstract
Model Driven Software Engineering. Springer; 2005. p. 91-118. Abstract
Generic and Meta-Transformations for Model Transformation Engineering. In: Baar T, Strohmeier A, Moreira A, Mellor S, editors. Proc. UML 2004: 7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language. Vol 3273. Lisbon, Portugal: Springer; 2004. p. 290-304. (LNCS; vol 3273). Abstract
Acceptance rate: 22%