Tool Integration by Model Transformations based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework

CímTool Integration by Model Transformations based on the {Eclipse Modeling Framework}
Közlemény típusaJournal Article
Kiadás éve2006
SzerzőkEhrig, K., Taentzer, G., and Varró, D.
FolyóiratEASST Newsletter
KulcsszavakEclipse, graph transformation, model transformation, tool integration
ÖsszefoglalásIn the paper, we propose various approaches for tool integration based on model transformations over the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). EMF is a key technology for tool integration, which provides a framework for developing domain-specific modeling languages by automatically generating Java code for model manipulation. Model transformations can be captured by graph transformation systems, which support visual specifications based on rules and patterns. Three levels of tool integration are identified: (i) model-level integration carries out model transformations in existing transformation tools by importing and exporting EMF models, (ii) interpreted EMF transformations take an EMF model of the transformation system, and manipulate EMF models according to the system by calling EMF interfaces, finally (iii) compiled transformer plug-ins generate stand-alone transformer programs in Java which are responsible for model manipulation.
URL varro/publication/2006/easst2006-ETV.pdf